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International Hadith Research Presentation and Ijazah Ceremony was Held with The Presence of Our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

International Hadith Research Presentation and Ijazah Ceremony was Held with The Presence of Our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
The presentation of the publications and project activities of our Hadith Studies Application and Research Center and the ijazah ceremony of the training program were held in Suleymaniye Mosque with an intense participation.

The presentation of the publications and project activities of Ibn Haldun University Hadith Studies Application and Research Center under the leadership of Muhaddith Muhammad Awwame and the Ijazah ceremony of the training program were held on Friday, January 19 at the Suleymaniye Mosque with the presence of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. 

The event started with the publication of the work that is the output of the Sunan al-Tirmidhi Tahkik ve Tevsik Project, and continued with the launch of the "Al-Mawahibul al-leduniyye Tahkik and Tevsik Project", which is planned to be started immediately after the first project. Finally, Muhammad Awwame, one of the most important muhaddithis of our time, read Imam al-Suyūtī's book Tedrīb al-rāwī fī şerḥi Taḳrībi al-Nawawī, which he himself had edited, in an environment that allowed for valuable discussions, to distinguished academics and scholars from Turkey and abroad, and various important figures, including our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, made welcoming speeches at the event.

This Work is a Companion Source for Those Engaged in the Science of Hadith 

In his welcoming remarks at the ceremony, our President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that in our scholarly tradition, when a work is completed, it is customary to present the work and appreciate its author, and he expressed his pleasure at coming together under the dome of the Süleymaniye Mosque to revive this tradition. In his speech, Mr. Erdoğan thanked and welcomed the distinguished scholars from Islamic countries who attended the ceremony and wished to reach Ramadan with health and peace as we enter the blessed three months. Praying for the persecuted Muslims all over the world, especially in Gaza, Erdoğan stated that he believes that the Sunan-i Tirmizi, which emerged as a result of 48 months of meticulous work, will be one of the primary sources for those who are engaged in the science of Hadith. Erdoğan also gave the good news of the International Sunnah and Siyar al-Nabawiyyah Research Center, which is planned to be established under the chairmanship of Muhaddith Muhammad Awwame, and expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Sheikh Muhammad Awwame, who dedicated his life to the defense of the Sunnah. The President also congratulated the students who will receive their ijazat from Sheikh Awwamah as part of the Tedbiru'-r Ravi Recitation and concluded his speech by expressing his love and respect to all the guests.

This Project is the Best Answer to Those Who Try to Separate Us from Our Origin 

In his welcoming remarks, Prof. İrfan Gündüz, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of our University, underlined that such a program is the best response to those who want to cut us off from the sources of Islam at a time when the persecution in Gaza is making the heavens tremble. Prof. Gündüz emphasized the importance of the event taking place in a place of religious and historical importance such as the Süleymaniye Mosque, and mentioned that the Sunan al-Tirmidhi, which was published, is one of the most referenced sources by Islamic scholars because it is the work that includes the most hadiths of ahkam among the Kütüb-i Sitte. On this occasion, Gündüz expressed his special thanks to Muhaddis Muhammad Awwame for bringing such an important work to the literature and concluded his speech by thanking everyone who contributed to this beautiful endeavor. 

We Are Happy to Host Such A Valuable Event 

After Prof. İrfan Gündüz, Necmeddin Bilal Erdoğan, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of our University, delivered his welcoming remarks and concluded his speech by expressing his happiness to host such a scholarly event as Ibn Haldun University, thanking the scholars who participated in the event from all over the world and expressing his hope that such a work will set an example for the entire Islamic world. 

Both Works are of Great Importance for Scholars and Researchers 

Our Rector Prof. Atilla Arkan, who took the floor in his welcoming speeches, talked about the importance of this selfless work on behalf of the students of our University who took part in the Sunan al-Tirmidhi Tahkik and Tawsik Project, which was completed in 48 months. Stating that the work will be a reference source especially for Islamic scholars and researchers, Prof. Arkan also mentioned the upcoming al-Mawahib al-leduniyye Project and the Tedrib al-rawi work's icazet ceremony and ended his speech by thanking all the guests, especially our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The ceremony continued with the speeches of President of Religious Affairs Prof. Ali Erbaş, Former President of Religious Affairs Prof. Mehmet Görmez, The President of Council of Higher Education Prof. Erol Özvar and President of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Ajil Alnashemi and Muhyiddin Avvame, President of Ibn Haldun University Hadith Studies Application and Research Center.

After Muhyiddin Avvama's informative speech and the reading of Tedribü'r-ravi fi şerḥi Taḳribi'n-Nawawi, 25 students, who will receive their ijazat from Sheikh Muhammad Awwame, gathered around Awwame with prayer rugs and received their ijazat after his prayers and speeches. 

The International Hadith Studies Presentation and Ijazet Ceremony ended with the mutual gift presentations and wishes of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, our Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. İrfan Gündüz and Sheikh Muhammad Avvama.

The project for the critical editing and authentication of Sunan al-Tirmidhi has been successfully completed under the leadership of the world-renowned hadith scholar Sheikh Muhammad Awwamah and supervised by our faculty member at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Prof. Dr. Serdar Demirel. This project was conducted under the auspices of the Ibn Haldun University Hadith Application and Research Center. The work prepared through this project will serve as a reliable and solid reference source in the field of hadith throughout the Islamic world. It is particularly intended as a reference source for Islamic scholars and researchers.
