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Regulation of the Center


Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions


ARTICLE 1 - (1)The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the objectives, fields of activity, management bodies, duties of the management bodies, and the working methods of Ibn Haldun University Hadith Studies Application and Research Center. 


ARTICLE 2 - (1) This Regulation covers the provisions related to the objectives, fields of activity, duties of the governing bodies and working style of Ibn Haldun University Hadith Studies Application and Research Center.


ARTICLE 3 - (1) This Regulation has been prepared based on subparagraph (2) of subparagraph (d) of the first paragraph (d) of Article 7 and Article 14 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 dated 4/11/1981.


Article 4 - (1) In this Regulation;

a) Center: Hadith Studies Application and Research Center  

b) Director: The Director of the Center,

c) Rector: Rector of Ibn Haldun University,

d) University: Ibn Haldun University

e) Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Center,

refers to. 


Purpose and Fields of Activity of the Center

Purpose of the Center

Article 5 – (1) The Center will conduct research aimed at the verification and documentation of the primary Hadith texts, particularly focusing on the Kutub al-Sittah, the six major collections of Hadith in Islam. The Center will organize both national and international scientific meetings and training seminars as required in this field. Additionally, the Center will assist postgraduate students of Basic Islamic Sciences in Hadith at the University in their development in the areas of verification and documentation.

Areas of activity of the Center

Article 6 - (1) The fields of activity of the Center are as follows: 

a) To conduct research and publications on the fundamental sources of the field of Hadith, execute projects or engage in similar activities, commission such works, participate in or support the ones being conducted. 

b) To organize or facilitate the organization of scientific events such as conferences, seminars, panels, congresses, symposiums, consultative assemblies, and similar activities at national and international levels related to Hadith sources. 

c) To organize joint activities with national and international organizations working towards the Center's objectives, within the scope of relevant legislative provisions. 

d) To perform other duties assigned by the Rector or authorized boards in line with the Center's objectives.


Governing Bodies and Duties of the Center

Governing bodies of the Center

ARTICLE 7 - (1) The governing bodies of the Center are as follows:

a) Director,

b) Board of Directors,


ARTICLE 8 - (1) The Director is appointed by the Rector from among the members of the University for a maximum period of three years. The Director, whose term of office is completed, may be reappointed and dismissed by the same procedure. In cases where the Director is absent from his/her duty for more than six months for any reason, his/her duty ends. A new Director is appointed in the same manner to replace the Director whose duty has expired.

(2) A person can be appointed as the Deputy Director to fulfill the duties determined by the Director, from among the university faculty members or administrative staff, upon the recommendation of the Director and the approval of the Rector. The term of office of the Deputy Director is limited to the term of office of the Director. The Deputy Director, whose term of office expires, may be reappointed in the same manner. When the Director is not on duty, his/her deputy deputizes the Director.

Duties of the Director

ARTICLE 9 - (1) The duties of the Director are as follows: 

a) To manage and represent the Center.

b) To ensure that the Center and its affiliated units work regularly and effectively in line with the objectives set out in this Regulation.

c) To set goals for the development of the Center.

d) To set the agenda of the Board of Directors and Advisory Board, to call the members to a meeting, to chair the Board of Directors and to implement the decisions taken by the Board of Directors.

e) e) To prepare the annual activity report with the work, goals and plans of the Center and submit it to the Rectorate after receiving the opinion of the Board of Directors.

f) To prepare the annual work program for the following year and submit it to the Rectorate after receiving the opinion of the Board of Directors.

g) To inform the Board of Directors about the work carried out.

h) To carry out relations with national and international organizations regarding the research, projects, education-training and other activities of the Center.

i) To determine all kinds of academic, administrative, technical and other personnel needs required to carry out the activities of the Center, to make a proposal to the Rectorate for assignments, to establish working units, working and project groups.

j) To establish working units, working and project groups in line with the research, project, training and similar activities of the Center. To submit to the Rector the need for a sufficient number of personnel to be employed in the created units and to ensure their assignment.

k) To carry out other duties in accordance with the purpose of the Center.

Board of Directors

ARTICLE 10 - (1) The Management Board consists of a total of five members, including the Director as the chairperson and four members appointed by the Rector from among the university faculty members.

(2) The term of office of the members of the Board of Directors is three years. A member whose term of office expires may be reappointed. In case the membership of the Board of Directors becomes vacant for any reason, a new member may be appointed to complete the remaining term.

(3) The Director is the Chairperson of the Management Board. The Board of Directors convenes at least once every six months upon the invitation of the Director and decisions are taken with the absolute majority of the participants. In case of equality of votes, the majority in favor of the Director's vote shall be deemed to have been achieved. Participation in the meetings can also be made via video conferencing or the internet.

Duties of the Board of Directors

ARTICLE 11 - (1) The duties of the Board of Directors are as follows:

a) To take decisions on issues related to the work and management of the Center.

b) To discuss and decide on the annual activity report and annual work program of the Center.

c) To take decisions on issues related to research, education-training, application, consultancy, publication and other fields of study.

d) To plan in-service training programs for the personnel working at the Center.

e) To establish the units and working and project groups to be established within the Center, and to determine their working procedures and principles.

f) To prepare investment plans and programs of the Center.

g) To determine the pricing and payment procedures for the services to be provided for a fee at the Center and submit them to the Rector.

h) To determine the principles and procedures of the studies to be carried out jointly with public and private institutions in Turkey and abroad.

i) To take decisions on other issues brought up by the Director.


Miscellaneous and Final Provisions

Center Units 

ARTICLE 12 – (1) If necessary, center units, working groups, or project groups can be established for the purpose of task division in subjects within the Center's field of activity, upon the suggestion of the Director and the decision of the Management Board.

Staffing needs

ARTICLE 13 - (1) The academic, administrative and technical personnel needs of the Center are met by the personnel to be assigned by the Rector according to Article 13 of Law No. 2547.

Fixtures and equipment

ARTICLE 14 - (1) All kinds of tools, equipment and fixtures purchased within the scope of the activities of the Center shall be allocated for the use of the Center.

Expenditure authority

ARTICLE 15 - (1) The Rector is the expenditure authority of the Center.

Cases where there is no provision

ARTICLE 16 - (1) In cases where there are no provisions in this Regulation, the provisions of the relevant legislation and the decisions of the Senate are applied.


ARTICLE 17 - (1) This Regulation enters into force on the date of its publication.


ARTICLE 18 - (1) The provisions of this Regulation are executed by the Rector of Ibn Haldun University.